Friday, June 1, 2012

Busy and Monthly gift

Hey Jamaasians!
Sorry i didn't post this sooner.... Busy :(

The monthly member gift (June) has now come for all Jamaasians Jamaa-wide. Yep, AJHQ have created a mock version of the very first member gift, gloves! However, they may just come in one color; gold, but I think these things are still pretty cool. Now, once you've bought your nonmember version of the golden glove in Epic Wonders; member. Now, you can have another member version of the member gloves in gold! Here's what mine looked like, that AJHQ sent me.
Member view.

Here's the actual gift.
See? Overall, what's your opinion on this gift jammers? Do you think it's AJHQ's best work yet? I would say, it kinda is. Next, here's all the possible gloves you could've received.
There's dragon, mummy, lava, and legendary. Very similar to the original member gloves. ^.^

Nonmembers, you would've received this cared instead of the member one.
The center one slideshows all the different gloves available. These really are pretty cool gloves. ;)

Lastly, AJHQ have sent out yet another message. It's on the conservation museum in Appondale. Sadly, no shamans showed up, even after we told the legend of Jamaa there. ;( Well, hopefully they will show during this summer. ;)

Well, that's all for now Jamaasians, happy jamming!

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