Monday, July 11, 2011

New Crystal Sands!!!

There is a new Crystal Sands! It's built just for the summer. Its fun to play in,There are a bunch! of water slides. There is a pirate plank, a rock (hard to get on), And a new building? What could it be is it a wash for your pets? Well the picture kinda gives us a clue So.... Im bubbledoo1 Add me and have fun :)


  1. Sweet Site!When Did yuh make it?


  2. This Site Is Awesome.

  3. haha bunneh its so coot to see ya like this :)

  4. bubbledoo its me Magicpine15! Or so it sauys so on my name....but I miss you on Animaljam! Hope you come back (sometime around). see ya later.
