Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gift cards

Hmm I never got to make a post about the animal jam gift cards yet well here you go ..........
The new gift cards for animal jam are the best things hat ever happend to the game!
You can buy them at selected stores like Best Buy, Toysrus,and Safway!
The gift card includes 2 choices Like this.....
1. A 6 month subscription to nat geo kids magazine
2. A king of the jungle pack which includes A free den,  15,000 gems, and  A LION!!!!
They are only $15.99
Bye have fun☺


  1. Hi Umm
    I've never been first ever to post but if there a code i would love to have it!
    Bunnyloveyou xoxoxo

  2. Hiya this is bunnyloveyou again im not a member but i might be able to tell you where i am NOW and im not sure what user but i know what place im at jamaa town ship well not always
    here now im 8+ my birthday is in march 5th so please dont be naughty boys and girls on that day because i already have miserable days with my family

  3. P.s.t i ment MEMBERSHIP code sorry but im gonna check back soon and it was.....


  4. congrats!!!!! i want one but my mom said no shes spent enough money on aj. (rolls eyes)
