Monday, April 30, 2012

Rare monday item

Hey jammers, today's "rare" is quite crazy - Rare (purple) Pigtails! You can purchase yours on the sixth page of Jam Mart Clothing. I'm sorry that it isn't nonmember, everyone.

Rare Purple Pigtails
Located on sixth page
of Jam Mart Clothing.
Be sure to buy a few before they go rare for a while. Now, yesterday, I just discovered this, but how many of you actually new there was a new name "spooky" it may have already been there but I found it kinda neat, you can have a "spooky" name for the "spooky" party! XD

Pretty cool, huh?

Next. . .Yesterday, AJHQ also sent out two reminders to look over in Appondale to finish you journey books. Still having trouble? Just go to my journey book tab, to read all the helpful hints to finding all the amazing life in the Appondale African safari. ^.^

Next. . .Now, the weekly mystery. Today's is more like a test, since there is a correct answer, but I'd like to see who can come up with the coolest explanation! In the Chamber of Knowledge. . .

. . .there is shelves of stones. What are these crystals called? Whose desk is that (check out the book there for a hint). Still stuck? I suggest looking at once of my early posts - click here. I'm hoping some still remember the ancient Jamaasian stories. If not, I'll be sure to announce it in the next post.

Happy jamming!

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