Monday, August 29, 2011

Tigers! And Jotw

Hey jammers im celebrating tigers thanks to Bigcatsforever she commented on my last post about the seals and she is right hunters are coming for the tigers fur and thats not nice we dont want to kill animals we want to help them comment  if you agree with her oh and tell me what i should celebrate next support animals they need us! and the jammer of the week im calling it JOTW for short and it is leaygillett123 she is nice and i gtg now


  1. Not To Be Mean Bubble,But...Didn't you ALREADY put her as Jammer of the week?!Like last month?I'm just asking.Not Being Rude D:!


  2. umm i dont think so but maybe idk

  3. Sorry umm..bigcatsfoever is uh a boy.....sorry...
